It’s a great time to be a marketer. There are more tactics available today than ever before in the history of marketing and that’s also a problem. Employing the latest ‘idea” is most likely a haphazard activity. Tactics need to advance your strategy and without the connection you’re just shooting at the sky.
Integrated tactics that surround your target have the most impact. Our tactical approach is to maximize the use of reachable assets. We’ll start with owned resources including physical spaces (store fronts, sales environments, parking, transportation) & virtual places (web sites, social media, apps, blogs) and existing customers, partners and brand ambassadors. We help you get your story out through earned channels including content development for third party publications, networks, channels, interviews, stunts, testimonials, case studies, partners, SEO and new customers. Lastly we’ll help you apply your media spend to maximize impact through surgical targeting and retargeting. We’ll evaluate appropriate sponsorships and endorsements.
A targeted arsenal of on-strategy tactics provides the greatest chance of reaching your goals and largest return on your marketing investment.